HBIC HQ Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Donations are Tax-Deductible
EIN: 85-3331514
UBI: 604 704 732
HBICHQ is a not for profit startup incubator and entrepreneurship community supporting Women, BIPOC and Youth. We are here to help navigate the challenges of owning a business, building a brand, growing income potential, and gaining financial freedom. Our mission is to help these Americans take control of their life to build a better future for tomorrow, no matter where they are today.
Our charitable programs support survivors of domestic abuse, homelessness, former foster youth, or other adversities. Funding for these programs is provided by tax-deductible donations.
HBICHQ (AKA: Head *Boss* In Charge Headquarters) is built on the idea that everyone should have a dedicated support system and ready access to the tools and education to help them achieve financial freedom, regardless of their current situation. Our dedication is to see more Women & BIPOC Owned Businesses drive our future.
We pledge to achieve this by empowering entrepreneurship and providing programs focusing on professional and personal development. As a nonprofit, our programs support survivors of domestic abuse, homelessness, former foster youth, or other adversities.
HBICHQ strives to empower our participants to take ownership of their future and build financial freedom.
Our programs are designed with this mission in mind. Donations in the form of one-time program sponsorship, on-going donor membership contributions, and paid courses ensure that more women across the nation are able to access the tools, resources, and education they need to create a better life for their future, regardless of where they are today.
HBIC HQ Foundation supports survivors of domestic abuse, homelessness, or other adversities by helping them create a strong financial future. Most of these individuals feel financially trapped by their abuser; and the ones who are able to escape typically find themselves having to live in shelters or temporary housing while they rebuild their lives. Additionally many of the individuals in our program are not able to secure traditional employment due to lack of child care or transportation, or due to other issues that may flag a background check.
We help to bridge this gap by providing an actionable solution for them to start working and earning a living. Our vangard program, Pave the Path to Success, provides practical education and support. Graduates of this program are eligble to apply for an Entrepreneurship Startup Grant to help get them set up for success.
Welcome to the wonderful world of successful female business owners. You are a Leader. You take Action. You are an absolute #HBIC.
HBICHQ believes that everyone should have access to the skills, tools, and network they need to build financial freedom and a better future.
HBICHQ believes that anyone who has a great idea for a startup company should have access to all the skills, tools, and network needed for success.