The Pave the Path to Success program provides educational workshops for survivors of domestic abuse or homelessness, former foster youth, or those who have faced other adversities. This program was designed to provide the skills and support they need in order to build a better future for tomorrow, no matter where they are today.
This program is made possible by Donations and individual Program Sponsorship.
Pave the Path to Success Program Details
Read on to learn more about this program, including the FAQs, Elements, Agenda, Milestones, & Supplemental Texts
Pave the Path to Success Program FAQs
- What it is
- An 8-week live learning experience that pairs mentors with mentees to work through the milestones of the Pave the Path to Success curriculum and textbook; the program also includes a supplemental textbook to further enrich the learning experience, depending on the participant’s choice.
- Who it’s for
- The Pave the Path to Success program was designed to provide accessible personal & professional development skills & a stronger support community for women-identified persons who are former foster youth, or survivors of domestic abuse or homelessness, or who have faced other adversities.
- What it Covers
- The Pave the Path to Success curriculum covers entrepreneurship basics such as Personal Branding, the 5 P’s of Business, Prioritizing Success, Building a Business, Productivity Hacks, & Continuous Leadership. In addition to these topics, the program also offers a secondary learning path.
- How it Works
- This 8 week program consists of live online classes & mentor sessions. Each week focuses on a new chapter from the textbooks. Assignments & participation are mandatory parts of this program, this results in hands-on experience, personal accountability, time/resource management skills & lifelong confidence
- Choose Your Path
- In addition to the Pave the Path to Success textbook, each participant will choose a supplemental learning path to enrich their experience based on their needs. These secondary textbooks have been designed to supplement the Pave the Path to Success program based on feedback from prior workshops. Participants can choose to focus on either Personal Development & Life Skills or Professional Development and Leadership Skills as options for their supplemental learning path.
Pave the Path to Success Program Elements
- Course Material: The Roadmap to Success
- Each participant of this online program receives 2 textbooks; the Pave the Path to Success textbook, & a supplemental textbook based on their choice. The supplemental textbook options focus on either Personal Development & Life Skills or Professional Development & Leadership Skills, depending on what they need.
- Online Meetings: Communal Learning Experience
- This program consists of 8 weeks of twice-weekly online meetings: 1 class meeting & 1 mentor meeting. The class meetings will review the lesson, or “Milestone” material; along with the assignments, or “Milestone Achievements” for each textbook.
- Milestones: Results-Based Exercises
- In order to progress and graduate from this program, each participant must attend all course meetings and mentor meetings, & turn in all Milestone Achievements. Accountability is built into this program, along with the tools & support needed for success.
- Hands-On: Real-World Experience
- The lessons & assignments in all program textbooks have been designed to provide accessible learning & hands-on experiences. These lessons focus on guiding the participant through the steps needed to take control of their lives and build a better future.
Pave the Path to Success Agenda Schedule
- Week 1
- Intro Meeting
- Introduce participants to the course materials & curriculum.
- Mentor Meeting 1
- Meet with the paired mentor & confirm milestone achievement review meetings.
- Intro Meeting
- Week 2
- Milestone #1 – Your Personal Brand
- Living Like a Leader
- Working Your Network
- Mentor Meeting 2
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #1 – Your Personal Brand
- Week 3
- Milestone #2 – 5 P’s of Business
- Overview
- Inspiration
- Mentor Meeting 3
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #2 – 5 P’s of Business
- Week 4
- Milestone #3- Prioritizing Success
- Success Roadmap
- Mentor Meeting 4
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #3- Prioritizing Success
- Week 5
- Milestone #4 – Building a Business
- The Business Backend
- Putting it into Action
- Mentor Meeting 5
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #4 – Building a Business
- Week 6
- Milestone #5 – Productivity Hacks
- Make the Most of Mini-Moments
- Mini-Moment Momentum
- Mentor Meeting 6
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #5 – Productivity Hacks
- Week 7
- Milestone #6 – Continuous Leadership
- Knowledge is Power
- Strength in Numbers
- Mentor Meeting 7
- Review Milestone Achievement for both textbooks before next meeting
- Milestone #6 – Continuous Leadership
- Week 8
- Graduation Celebration
- Final Milestone Achievement Review & Graduation Celebration
- Mentor Meeting 6
- Final meeting, Mentee will assess Mentor
- Graduation Celebration
Pave the Path to Success Textbook Milestones
Pave the Path to Success – Your Roadmap to a Brighter Future
Main Textbook – Table of Contents
- Milestone #1 – Your Personal Brand
- Living Like a Leader
- Working Your Network
- Milestone #2 – 5 P’s of Business
- Overview
- Inspiration
- Milestone #3 – Prioritizing Success
- Success Roadmap
- Milestone #4 – Building a Business
- The Business Backend
- Putting it into Action
- Milestone #5 – Productivity Hacks
- Make the Most of Mini-Moments
- Mini-Moment Momentum
- Milestone #6 – Continuous Leadership
- Knowledge is Power
- Strength in Numbers
Pave the Path to Success Program Supplemental Textbooks:
Boss is a Four Letter Word – Leadership from the Inside Out
Supplemental Textbook #1 – Table of Contents
- Milestone #1 – The Essence of Leadership
- What it Takes to be a Leader
- Leadership Design
- Milestone #2 – The Embodiment of Leadership
- Leadership from within
- looking Like a Leader
- Milestone #3- The Elements of Leadership
- Building Trust
- Nonverbal Leadership
- Milestone #4 – The Influence of Leadership
- Creating Cooperation
- Opinions as a Tool
- Milestone #5 – The Emotions of Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence
- The Importance of Empathy
- Milestone #6 – The Act of Leadership
- Establishing Leadership
- Taking the Lead
The SPARK Process – Life Lessons for Reclaiming Your Spark
Supplemental Textbook #2 – Table of Contents
- Milestone #1 – The S.P.A.R.K. Process
- What is S.P.A.R.K.
- How to use S.P.A.R.K.
- Little Life Lessons
- Milestone #2 – Daily Spark
- Words to Live By
- Mirror Mirror
- Diva Your Destiny
- Milestone #3- The Whole Spark
- Polishing Your Spark
- Your Inner Spark
- Your Personal Canvas
- Milestone #4 – Let It Go
- Don’t Shade Your Spark
- Clear Your Space
- The SPARK Perspectives
- Milestone #5 – It Takes a Village
- Family Follies
- Picking Your Posse
- The Power of Empathy
- Milestone #6 – Fanning the Flames
- The Sparked Lifestyle
- Take Care of You
- Living Your Spark