Circle Challenge

Register for our Upcoming Circle Challenge

Healing arts practitioners are in their career because they want to help people in the world. In order to do help more people, first you have to let them know about your services. An effective brand can help with this.

Once you have completed this Women’s Circle Challenge you will have created the following for your brand:

– Competitor Research Snapshot
– Brand Bio, Media Kit, & Mission Statement
– Branding Style Sheet
– 3 Brand Icon Options
– 3 Brand Logo Options

Register Here:

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Circle Challenge Overview

Circle Challenges are Active-Learning Women’s Circles, these limited-capacity gatherings are designed to support each other through each milestone in the challenge.

Crafted to hone skills, introduce new skills, & build mental muscle memory for skill-retention.

Features fun & engaging results-oriented exercises within the setting of a supportive community.

A great way to connect with like-minded people & discuss tactics for personal & professional development, share tips & discover best practices.

Exercises, worksheets, & skill development practices so you walk away with all the tools you need to put your goals into action.

Host a Circle, Earn Money